Un-Chic’n Salad w/ Arugula and Dandelion Greens


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(UPDATE: February 23, 2016- Due to it’s popularity at a food demo and winter event, I am updating this recipe/blog to include the salad that’s accompanied this dish.) I discovered this recipe while watching an informational documentary called, “Vegangal.com: Change … Continue reading

I love food… Just like you


Many years ago, I was suffering with multiple health issues that a laundry list of doctors could not solve, nor manage. I was lethargic, fuzzy-minded, overweight, and unhappy… just to name a few. When I moved to the Atlanta area in 2004 it was at it’s height. Something had to give!

I found a medical doctor, also trained as a naturopathist, who treated me over a 6 month period for a systemic yeast infection (candida albicans). As my diet was immediately whittled down to meat and veggies, no condiments or sauces allowed, I began to experience a radical transformation. A book I read during that time helped me connect the dots, for the first time in my life, between the relationship of food allergies and intolerances and health issues. I’ve been on this journey ever since. My son and I are personally dealing with intolerances to gluten, dairy, and soy. My husband is intolerant to dairy, and sensitive to gluten and soy and deathly allergic to certain fruits; strawberries, pineapple, pitted fruits, and pears and apples.

For years, people in my life have told me I need to write a cookbook. As you can guess, I love food… which can be frustrating if you can’t eat most of it. Becoming a vegetarian led to even more challenges, but I was determined to be able to enjoy my food in the all the ways I had prior to any of my issues. I could never figure out what type of cookbook to write. Afterall, there are 50 million and ONE cookbooks out there. And, I’d say to myself and everyone else, “I’m not trained in the kitchen. I don’t understand food chemistry.”

But, by the time my food journey had completely unfolded, vegetarianism and 3 food intolerances later, I felt my niche’. I was loving my experiences in the kitchen and on my plate, and realized I was sharing this with others without being aware. So, here I am… Working on 50 million and two *giggle* For the cookbook, I’m focusing on the 10 most common allergens; gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, shell fish, fish, corn and sesame.

This blog is in support of that endeavor. To provide a forum where I can share my experiments with food; especially the one’s I can’t publish in my cookbook, because it’s someone else’s recipe I modified. And, hopefully to share with you some tips and tricks I’ve stumbled upon along the way. Thank you for visiting my site, and enjoy!

Fresh Ginger Tea- Perfect Winter Toddy


This gallery contains 4 photos.

What’s more nostalgic of winter than a warm mug of something in your hands… steam rising, heat permeating the fingers and palms, the warmth of the liquid radiating through your chest as it makes it’s way down to your stomach. Continue reading

Thanksgiving, Vegan and Food Allergies


This gallery contains 9 photos.

Ahhhh Thanksgiving… a time to gather around the family table and share in a bountiful feast of the season, giving thanks for all that the year has brought you. How many of us have favorite family memories of this time … Continue reading

Teens and Adults with Food Allergies Part 1

A VERY important perspective for people to pay attention to! Thank you Adventures of an Allergic Foodie for bringing this important point to light!

Adventures of an Allergic Foodie

Sitting at the hotel bar during a recent food allergy conference I was surprised–no, shocked– when two mothers of food-allergic children told me that adults shouldn’t need help coping with their allergies. They were wondering why I was at the conference. Now before you get angry, let me explain their side. They assumed all adults with food allergies had developed them as children. Hence, by adulthood, food-allergic folks should be experienced–physically and emotionally–at handling restrictions and reactions.

Imagine! I had no idea some people thought this way! Of course, I quickly took this opportunity to tell them how wrong they were.

I explained people can develop food allergies and celiac disease and other health issues requiring food restrictions at any time in life. I shared that my symptoms started in my late thirties, though it took nearly ten years to find out multiple food allergies, celiac disease, and

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